Friday, February 26, 2010

Ethical Behavior with regards to Computer Usage

When we talk of computer usage there are things we should consider especially ethical behavior.Ethical issues nowadays which is related to information system are important to the IT technology professionals.
“Computer ethics” has been used to refer to a kind of professional ethics in which computer professionals apply codes of ethics and standards of good practice within their profession.
Where did our ethical principles came from? It comes from metaphysical issues, psychological issues, linguistic issues. Then the concept of normative ethics arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. Afterwards is the applied ethics this ethics is taking specific controversial issues, use normative ethics (and metaethics)to try to resolve the controversy.
These are examples in Computer Ethics the Computer in the workplace, computer Crime, Privacy and Anonymity, Intellectual Property,Professional Responsibility, Globalization and the Metaethics of Computer Ethics.
When we talk of "computer" it is said to be the universal tool nowadays and because of this problem regarding computer in the workplace. Workplace issue concerns health and safety. When information technology is introduced into a workplace, it is important to consider likely impacts upon health and job satisfaction of workers who will use it. It is possible, for example, that such workers will feel stressed trying to keep up with high-speed computerized devices — or they may be injured by repeating the same physical movement over and over — or their health may be threatened by radiation emanating from computer monitors. These are just a few of the social and ethical issues that arise when information technology is introduced into the workplace.
Second one is the Computer Crimes specifically the viruses and hackers.The problem The problem is not so much the physical security of the hardware (protecting it from theft, fire, flood, etc.), but rather “logical security”.There five aspects privacy and confidentiality,integrity,unimpaired service, consistency, controlling access to resources. Some computer crimes, such as embezzlement or planting of logic bombs, are normally committed by trusted personnel who have permission to use the computer system. Computer security, therefore, must also be concerned with the actions of trusted computer users.
One of the more controversial areas of computer ethics concerns the intellectual property rights connected with software ownership. Ownership is a complex matter, since there are several different aspects of software that can be owned and three different types of ownership: copyrights, trade secrets, and patents. With regards with this issue we should use the referencing method to avoid intellectual property issues.
Computer professionals have specialized knowledge and often have positions with authority and respect in the community. For this reason, they are able to have a significant impact upon the world, including many of the things that people value. These relationships involve a diversity of interests, and sometimes these interests can come into conflict with each other. Responsible computer professionals, therefore, will be aware of possible conflicts of interest and try to avoid them. this also one of the problem nowadays.
Computer ethics today is rapidly evolving into a broader and even more important field, which might reasonably be called “global information ethics”. Global networks like the Internet and especially the world-wide-web are connecting people all over the earth. This may very well be one of the most important social developments in history. The global laws, Global Cyberbusiness and Global Education.
The issues which I've mentioned are the reasons why we need to practice the different ethical behavior to avoid such problem. Because it minimizes the problems in Computer Usage.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Exercise (Feb. 06, 2010)


Case 1: Deadlocks on File Request


- if jobs can request and hold files for duration of their execution, deadlock can occur.

-Any other programs that require F1 or F2 are put on hold as long as this situation continues.

-Deadlock remains until a programs is withdrawn or forcibly removed and its file is released.

Case 2: Deadlocks in Database

1. P1 accesses R1 and locks it.

2. P2 accesses R2 and locks it.

3. P1 requests R2, which is locked by P2.

4. P2 requests R1, which is locked by P1.

-Deadlock can occur if 2 processes access & lock records in database.

-3 different levels of locking :
entire database for duration of request
a subsection of the database
individual record until process is completed.

-If don’t use locks, can lead to a race condition.

Case 3: Deadlocks in Dedicated Device Allocation

1. P1 requests tape drive 1 and gets it.

2. P2 requests tape drive 2 and gets it.

3. P1 requests tape drive 2 but is blocked.

4. P2 requests tape drive 1 but is blocked.

-Deadlock can occur when there is a limited number of dedicated devices.

-examples are printers, plotters or tape drives.

Case 4: Deadlocks in Multiple Device Allocation


-Deadlocks can happen when several processes request, and hold on to, dedicated devices while other processes act in a similar manner.

Case 5: Deadlocks in Spooling

-Most systems have transformed dedicated devices such as a printer into a sharable device by installing a high-speed device, a disk, between it and the CPU.
-Disk accepts output from several users and acts as a temporary storage area for all output until printer is ready to accept it (spooling).
-If printer needs all of a job's output before it will begin printing, but spooling system fills available disk space with only partially completed output, then a deadlock can occur.

Case 6: Deadlocks in a Network


-Disks are designed to be shared, so it’s not uncommon for 2 processes access different areas of same disk.
-Without controls to regulate use of disk drive, competing processes could send conflicting commands and deadlock the system.

Case 7: Deadlocks in Disk Sharing


-A network that’s congested (or filled large % of its I/O buffer space) can become deadlocked if it doesn’t have protocols to control flow of messages through network.